+40 (21) 655-55-55

Professional Hosting Services
in our Own Data Center

Hosting, VPS / Dedicated Servers, Domain Registration, Colocation

Data Center

PROMO 50% for Cloud VPS Servers.

A VPS server hosted in the cloud will allow you to configure, customize and Manage Easily.

VPS Cloud Hosting

Colocation equipment

Our Data Centers are an essential part of the NAV infrastructure, making it possible to deliver a serie of impressive services and applications.

From €29.99
Servers and equipment Colocation.

Dedicated Servers

Represents the professional solution that combines the native performance of a dedicated hardware as well as effective isolation from other clients.

From €39.99
Dedicated Servers with premium config.

Hosting in Cloud

The Web Hosting services have all the necessary facilities to maintain your website online benefiting from Guaranteed Resources.

From €4.24
Cloud Hosting with FREE Migration.

We can create Any Communication Solution

From basic solutions addressed to small and medium-sized companies, to complex solutions implemented on our own infrastructure, contractually guaranteed and with permanent professional support.

We find a Strategy
We plan Together
We implement It
The Business is Online

Why go with ?

We are present on the romanian IT market since 1997, being the only hosting company in Romania that has 100% romanian investments and capital. We made our debut through partnerships with prestigious local companies, the accumulated experience allowing us to expand our market share by designing and implementing service packages adapted to the mainstream segment.

Securitatea Site-ului WordPress

from NAV

WordPress este una dintre cele mai populare platforme de gestionare a conținutului (CMS) din lume, fiind folosită de milioane de site-uri. Cu toate acestea, popularitatea sa îl face o țintă atractivă ...

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Diferența dintre Front-End și Back-End în Dezvoltarea Web

from NAV

În lumea dezvoltării web, termenii „front-end” și „back-end” sunt folosiți frecvent, dar ce înseamnă ei cu adevărat? În acest articol, vom explora diferențele dintre cele două și importanța fiecăruia ...

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Rolul unui Web Designer: O privire de ansamblu asupra profesiei

from NAV

În era digitală actuală, prezența online este esențială pentru succesul oricărei afaceri. Aici intervine rolul crucial al unui web designer. Dar ce face exact un web designer și de ce este atât de imp ...

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Ce este JavaScript?

from NAV

JavaScript este un limbaj de programare interpretat, ușor de învățat și utilizat pe scară largă în dezvoltarea web. A fost creat în 1995 de Brendan Eich în timp ce lucra la Netscape Communications Cor ...

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Website de la zero sau temă cumpărată?

from NAV

Construirea unui website este un pas esențial pentru orice afacere sau proiect personal în era digitală. Una dintre primele decizii pe care trebuie să le iei este dacă să construiești site-ul de la ze ...

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Programele Antivirus în 2024: Tendințe și Inovații

from NAV

Într-o lume digitală în continuă evoluție, programele antivirus au devenit o necesitate pentru a asigura securitatea datelor personale și corporative. În 2024, aceste programe au evoluat semnificativ, ...

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They Appreciates Us

We address all those for whom high-performance hardware solutions, a fast and stable Internet network and total transparency are essential.

Ștefan D.
Telekom România
We feel confident in recommending NAV Communications as a reliable partner, offering adequate assistance. We've found working with NAV Communications easy, fast and efficient, and in a timely manner.
Cloud Hosting
NAV seems very competent and is very prompt in his responses and feedback. They tries to be clear in his answers and will clarify any questions that rise. They has also been extremely available for communications with third parties, so that matters can easily and quickly be addressed and solved.
Resurse Internet
Ing. Horia Mioșcu
Electrica S.A.
I am very pleased with the promptness of NAV Comunications in solving problems. I am especially pleased with the patience and flexibility shown in relation to our company.
Data Center
Mihai R.
Internet eXchange
The seriousness, professionalism and unquestionable quality of NAV services have helped us to become one of the most important companies in the Game Hosting industry and beyond. We started collaborating since 2009, and we are constantly growing since then.

We collaborate with the most PowerfulDeveloped companies from all over the world.

The development of a business is done through strategic, strong and future partnerships.

Do you need Advices?

We are here to help you to choose the best option for your project.

We are happy to help you!
+40 (21) 655-55-55
Let's talk.
Sales department
Fast assistance.
We are here to help!